PLPT GEMS presents
Ashley, Jerilyn, and Tiara: The Ladies of Afiya, LLC
Scholars. Synergists. Healthy Hair Gurus.
1. Afiya provides consumers with natural and organic beauty products: How did Afiya get started?
In 2008 Jerilyn went natural and in 2009 I went natural. Both of us found that a lot of the natural products being offered weren't truly natural and also that a lot of them were very expensive. So Jerilyn started mixing up shea butter with different ingredients and eventually we started to do more research on natural ingredients that promoted healthy hair and hair growth. Later on we sent some samples to be tested by Tiara and she distributed the product to her co-workers. Everyone started to place orders and here we are 1 year later still in business.
2. What obstacles were overcome to get the company up and running?
I wouldn't say we had any obstacles to get our company up and running. Afiya took off faster than expected when we started and the first year has been great! With our busy schedules as full time students, one of our obstacles has been making time to travel to promote our business. We'd love to be able to travel more and get the products into more hands but time doesn't permit us to do so unless it's the summer.
3. Is Afiya your full time occupation? If not, how do you balance it with your other responsibilities?
Yes, Afiya is a full time occupation along with school. Jerilyn and I are both full time graduate students. Tiara works along with us part time. The key to managing school and the business is having a schedule and sticking to it.
4. How do you stay motivated and overcome doubt, fear and negative thinking?
PRAYER! Having a business in a recession takes a lot of prayer. Also, our customers keep us motivated. Just hearing the great testimonials about how our product helped someone through their transition process to natural, or how our eczema butter healed their skin makes this business worthwhile.
5. What advice would you offer to others who are searching for their purpose or are afraid to take the first step towards their dreams?
I would say just step out on faith! If you have an idea or a product that you think is worth sharing with the world just do it! Afiya started as an experiment and look at us now! Make sure that you do your paperwork and establish yourself as a legal business to assure that no one steals your ideas and surround yourself with people who love and support you.
6. Name someone who has inspired you and why.
Our parents have been a great source of inspiration throughout this entire process. They have a tremendous work ethic that laid the foundation for our work ethic, and our drive for success.
7. PLPT is all about nurturing the synergy of inner and outer "pretty". How do you feel your products promote this balance?
Afiya is an all natural chemical free product line. Our products are designed to nurture our customers inside and out! We believe that beauty begins on the inside and is magnified on the outside.
8. How can people connect with you?
We have a number of ways to communicate with everyone. Our shop site is and our official website is Also feel free to email us at Lastly we're on two social networks: and
I am so very proud of you ladies and your accomplishments. While it hasn't been brutal, I know it hasn't always been exactly easy. Praying for your continued success and growth!!
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