Friday, July 16, 2010

It’s funny how God/the universe always knows exactly what you need…I was a bit melancholy last night, and was discussing with a friend the pitfalls of envy and depression that are so easy to fall into when you’ve set goals, or are working towards certain desires and don’t feel like you’re seeing results as quickly as you thought you might. We lamented on how you can look at other people around you and love them or be genuinely happy for their good fortune, but find yourself thinking later… "Why not me? When is my turn?" While we understand that this type of thinking is counter-productive, it is not necessarily counter-intuitive. We’re humans, and thus, we can’t control what we feel, but we can control how we respond to it and not let it allow us to turn away from our goals and plunge us into sadness. It’s at these moments when we have to be most thankful for what we have already and just be patient and wait on life to do the remaining things after we’ve done our part.

It would seem, that when you have been doing the work (praying, meditating, writing, goal setting, etc.) that life wants you to succeed! It begins to work with you, pushing you, and giving you gentle reminders so you won’t give up. I subscribe to a few daily motivational emails that help me to set the intention for the type of day I want to have as soon as I get up in the morning. They were so on target today with these messages:

“It's coming. You're gonna get it. You're gonna love it. And then you're gonna forget there was ever a time when you didn't have it. Like clockwork. Learning to be happy while you wait, Kim, is worth learning. And to help learn this, just keep yourself busy.”

“..When you're tempted to get down, when things aren't going your way, just say to yourself, "This may be hard. It may be taking a long time, but I know God is a faithful God. I'm going to keep believing because my reward is coming."

Okay Life…I’m listening, and I am open to learning.

What do you do to help you stay peaceful and patient?


Tiffany said...

I just remind myself to be aware and not for God to just drop what I ask for in my lap. I have to look for the opportunity. The opportunity for a job, the opportunity for love, etc., etc.

Peace, Love and Chocolate

Anonymous said...

I'm learning to be happy while I wait, too.

Great post.

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