Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Lovely Links: Push and Soar

Kim and I have been so fortunate to connect with some truly inspiring women through this blog. Lilou, the creator of Push and Soar, is our latest find and we think you'll agree that her mission is in line with ours. 

From her blog:

Push and Soar was created by Lilou, a visual artist who really understands the benefits as well as the struggles of working outside of a traditional 9-5 job. Thus she created this blog as a way to address these concerns as they pertain to herself and let others know that they are not alone on this journey to live their passion.

Lilou does a gratitude post every Monday where she shares something that she's thankful for.  I also love the Weekly Nudge where she shares a quote or positive affirmation to keep you on the right track mid-week.  She definitely speaks our language.  

I love this excerpt from her post, Hero:
When hopelessness finds its way in our lives, it’s sometimes difficult to come out of it. We might feel that we don’t have the answers or means to come out of a bad situation, we don’t have the right resources but what I believe we often forget is that we are so much stronger, courageous and resourceful than we realize.
So when you find yourself in a bad situation, instead of wishing and hoping for someone to come to pull you out, remember your strength, courage, and resourcefulness. Remember you can be to yourself that that you wish others to be to you. Remember you can survive. Remember you can thrive. Remember you can be your own hero and you can save yourself.
One distinguishing factor of Push and Soar is that Lilou is an entrepreneur and is truly focused on encouraging women to follow their passion, even if that means separating from the security of a 9 to 5.  In The Road Less Taken, she shares some of the challenges she's faced:
The decision to work outside of the traditional 9-5 setting didn't come easily. There are so many uncertainties that come along with it. Where, when and how will I get my next paycheck? How can I put my name out there? What will I do next? How will i do it? Besides all these questions that are sometimes hard to answer there are situations when the people in my life just don't seem to understand why I would decide to pursue this path filled of thorns, the road less taken.
But only those who dare to walk through the thorns and make a way for themselves can reap the rewards. The rewards can be amazing, maybe even bigger than what I anticipated but I have to believe in myself and believe in my dream. I have to keep pushing through my fears, push pass the obstacles, push even when my friends and my family don't get it. They don't have to get it. My dreams are my own and I have the right to pursue them. So I have to push even when nobody gets it. I have to PUSH and SOAR because that's my birthright!
Take a moment and visit her blog and subscribe. You can also find her on Twitter @PushnSoar.  The more positivity in your blog reader and in your timeline, the better! 


Brandy said...

VERY GOOD website! Thanks for posting!

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